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Help us shine the light of Jesus Christ in Kyrgyzstan
Photo by: Br. Damian Wojciechowski, SJ
Good Shepherd Catholic Cathedral & Pastoral Center in Kyrgyzstan
Donate to the:
Tax-deductible donations can be made via
American Jesuits International, the international
solidarity organization of the Jesuits in the United States.
Fr. Anthony Corcoran, SJ - the Catholic Apostolic Administrator in the Kyrgyz Republic.
Your donation contributes to the invigoration of the Catholic faith in Central Asia.
*Tax-deductible donations can be made via American Jesuits International, the international solidarity organization of the Jesuits in the United States.
Apostolic Administration
in Kyrgyzstan
In 2006 Pope Benedict XVI established the Apostolic Administration in the Kyrgyz Republic with Fr. Nikolaus Messmer, SJ, as its first Bishop. Eleven years later, in 2017, Fr. Anthony Corcoran, SJ, succeeded him as the Apostolic Administrator.
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